Home Procrastination Excuses 101 A Look At The Most Ridiculous Excuses People Use To Justify Their Procrastination

Procrastination Excuses 101 A Look At The Most Ridiculous Excuses People Use To Justify Their Procrastination

Procrastination Excuses 101: A Look at the Most Ridiculous Excuses People Use to Justify Their Procrastination

Procrastination is a common phenomenon that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. It is the act of delaying or postponing a task, often to the point of discomfort or anxiety. It is like when you have a big pile of laundry to fold but you decide to binge-watch your favorite show instead, and then suddenly it’s 3 AM and you’re still up, surrounded by unfolded laundry, and feeling both guilty and exhausted. It’s like being a master of putting things off until later, even though you know you’ll just end up regretting it in the end. It’s the art of delay, the skill of postponement, the talent of “I’ll do it tomorrow” that never seems to come. It’s kind of funny, in a sad and relatable way.Many people struggle with procrastination and find themselves coming up with excuses to justify their behavior. In this blog post, we will look at some of the most ridiculous excuses people use to justify their procrastination, and why they don’t hold up.

1) I work better under pressure

Ah, the classic “I work better under pressure” excuse. It’s the procrastinator’s mantra, their badge of honor, their justification for leaving everything until the last minute. But let’s be real here, folks. Is it really a valid excuse for putting things off?

Sure, some people may feel like they thrive on the adrenaline rush of a looming deadline, but is it worth the stress, the anxiety, and the risk of producing subpar work? And let’s not forget about the inevitable all-nighters, the empty cups of coffee, and the feeling of dread that accompanies every ticking second on the clock.

It’s like the procrastinator is a master of self-sabotage, a ninja of time-wasting, and a virtuoso of excuses. They know that they should start that project or assignment, but they just can’t seem to bring themselves to do it. So they distract themselves with Netflix, social media, or a hundred other mindless activities, all the while telling themselves that they’ll get to work “eventually.”

But eventually never seems to come, does it? Instead, the deadline approaches faster than a speeding bullet, and suddenly the procrastinator is in panic mode. They’re rushing to finish the project, cutting corners, and making mistakes left and right. And all the while, they’re telling themselves that this is just the way they work best.

Well, I call shenanigans on that, my friends. The truth is, procrastination is a slippery slope, a dangerous game, and a recipe for disaster. So next time you find yourself making excuses for why you haven’t started that project yet, remember that there’s no time like the present to get things done. And if you need a little extra motivation, just imagine how much more fun it will be to relax and enjoy your free time once you’ve finished all your work.

2) I’m waiting for inspiration to strike

Well, well, well…look who’s waiting for their muse to show up! It’s the procrastinator, sitting there twiddling their thumbs and hoping for lightning to strike. But let me tell you, my friend, inspiration is like a cat — you can’t force it to come to you, it’ll show up when it damn well pleases.

It’s like the procrastinator is trying to run a marathon without taking the first step. They keep waiting and waiting for that perfect moment to start, but guess what? It’s not coming! Meanwhile, time is ticking away, deadlines are looming, and the pressure is mounting. And all they have to show for their efforts is a blank page or a blank canvas.

So, what’s the solution? It’s simple — just start! Don’t wait for some divine intervention or a sudden burst of creativity. Just put pen to paper, brush to canvas, fingers to keyboard, and get going. You might surprise yourself with what you come up with.

And let’s be real here, folks. Inspiration is like a unicorn — it’s magical and elusive, and it’s not something you can count on. Sometimes, the best ideas come from just getting started and building on what you have. And sure, maybe you won’t come up with the next Mona Lisa or a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, but you’ll have something to work with. And that’s a hell of a lot better than waiting around for inspiration to show up.

So next time you find yourself waiting for that bolt of lightning to strike, remember that the only way to get things done is to start. And who knows, maybe inspiration will show up eventually — but don’t count on it. In the meantime, you’ll have a head start on your work, and you won’t be scrambling to meet that deadline. And isn’t that a much better feeling than waiting around for a muse that might never come?

3) I don’t have enough time

Ah, the old “I don’t have enough time” excuse — a classic way to justify procrastination! But let’s be honest, we all know it’s not true. I mean, how many hours do we spend scrolling mindlessly through social media or binge-watching our favorite shows? If we can find time for that, we can find time for anything!

In fact, studies have shown that the average person spends around two hours a day on social media alone — that’s 14 hours a week! And don’t even get me started on the hours wasted watching cat videos on YouTube.

So, it’s time to stop using the “not enough time” excuse and start prioritizing our tasks. It’s all about making the task a priority — just like we prioritize our Netflix binges or happy hour with friends. And let’s face it, if we can make time for happy hour, we can make time for anything!

But in all seriousness, it’s important to recognize that time management is key to overcoming procrastination. By setting realistic goals and breaking tasks down into manageable steps, we can avoid feeling overwhelmed and actually make progress.

And hey, if all else fails, just remember this classic joke: “Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?” — said no successful person ever!

4) I’ll do it tomorrow

Ah, the infamous “I’ll do it tomorrow” excuse — the siren song of procrastinators everywhere! But let’s face it, we all know that tomorrow never really comes, does it? It just becomes another today, and before you know it, you’re drowning in a sea of unfinished tasks and unfulfilled goals.

But fear not, my fellow procrastinators! The solution is simple — start today, and build momentum for tomorrow! It’s like exercising — the first step is always the hardest, but once you get going, it becomes easier and easier to keep going.

Think of it this way — every task you complete today is one less thing you have to worry about tomorrow. And who doesn’t love the feeling of crossing things off their to-do list? It’s like a little victory dance with each completed task.

Plus, starting early gives you more time to take breaks and recharge your batteries. You’ll feel less stressed and more energized, which will help you tackle even more tasks and achieve your goals.

So, let’s all make a pledge to start today and build momentum for tomorrow. Who knows, maybe we’ll even become the type of people who finish things early and have extra time to relax and enjoy life! As the old saying goes, “why put off until tomorrow what you can do today? Unless it’s eat a cake — then, by all means, put that off until tomorrow.”

5) I need to do some research first

The perfect way to delay starting a task without feeling guilty! But let’s be real, sometimes we use this excuse to avoid doing the actual work, and we end up drowning in a sea of information overload.

Sure, research is important — it’s what separates the amateurs from the professionals. But there’s a fine line between doing enough research and getting stuck in an endless cycle of analysis paralysis.

Let me tell you a story about a guy named Steve. Steve wanted to write a blog post about the benefits of procrastination (ironic, I know). So, he spent hours researching the topic, reading articles, watching videos, and taking notes. But by the time he was ready to start writing, he was so overwhelmed with information that he didn’t know where to begin.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Steve’s blog post was still just a blank page. And all because he was too afraid to take the first step.

So, don’t be like Steve! Start with what you know, and build on it as you go. Sure, do your research — but don’t let it become an excuse to avoid doing the work. Just like in life, sometimes you need to take a leap of faith and trust that you’ll figure things out as you go along.

And hey, if you’re still feeling overwhelmed, just remember this classic joke: “How many procrastinators does it take to change a light bulb? One, but he’ll wait until the last minute to do it.” But let’s not wait until the last minute — let’s start today and make things happen!


Procrastination is a sneaky devil that likes to make us feel like we don’t have the time, motivation, or knowledge to get things done. But these excuses don’t hold up under scrutiny. To overcome procrastination, we need to recognize when we’re using these excuses as a crutch and take action to break the cycle. Starting early, building momentum, and not letting fear or perfectionism hold us back is key. The first step is always the hardest, but once we start, it becomes easier and easier to keep going. So let’s kick our procrastination habits to the curb, and start taking action towards our goals and dreams. In the end, it’s not about the excuses we make, but the actions we take that define us.

Heard this from a friend:
“Procrastination is like masturbation. You might feel really great at the moment, but its only later you realise that you’ve just fu*ked yourself.”

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.