Samir Thapa

Procrastination Excuses 101 A Look At The Most Ridiculous Excuses People Use To Justify Their Procrastination

Procrastination Excuses 101: A Look at the Most Ridiculous Excuses People Use to Justify Their Procrastination Procrastination is a common phenomenon that affects people of all ages and backgrou...

How To Choose Your First Programming Language And Why

How to choose your first programming language and why ? A programming language is not only a programming language. Its a philosophy about thoughts and ideas; and its a community of people who be...

Contex Manger In Python

What is a context manager in Python and how to create your own context manager? If you don,t know what is context manager the don’t worry you will know it clearly after you finish this article ...

My First Blog

I am just checking how does this work XD